We present below the main concepts that the Larafun Suite relies on.


Larafun Suite extends the default Laravel Resources to enhance their behaviour and facilitate their usage.

Use the following command to generate a Larafun Suite Resource:

php artisan build:resource BookResource


Filters provide an easy way to instantiate and type hint a set of parameters. They will also validate their values and use predefined defaults when not values are not provided.

We list below a simple scenario. Please consult the more detailed section on Filters.

class BookController extends Controller
     * The filter is instantiated using the values from the Request
    public function index(BookFilter $filter)
        return Book::filter($filter)->get();
class BookFilter extends Filter
     * When certain values are missing, the defaults will be used
    public function defaults(): array
        return [
            'search'    => null,
            'before'    => 2000,
            'skip'      => 0,
            'take'      => 5

class Book extends Model
     * The $filter object can now be type hinted into the Model scopes
    public function scopeFilter($query, BookFilter $filter)
        return $query

    public function realScopeSearch($query, $search = null)
        return $query->where('title', 'like', "%$search%");

    public function scopeBefore($query, $year)
        return $query->where('publishing_year', '<=', $year);


The Larafun Suite Paginators are custom objects and don't rely on Laravel's default paginators. They are much more easier to extend and replace and they rely exclusively on the executed query in order to compute their values. Also, it is a lot easier to define their keys and their position in the json response.

In addition, the Larafun Suite Paginators will execute the count query only when responding with a resource that needs to be paginated, instead of when collecting the results from the database as the default Laravel paginators.

Eloquent Collections for models that extend the Larafun\Suite\Model will allways include a Paginator. You can define your own to replace the default or use the NullPaginator provided with the package if you don't want to use Pagination on your Collections.

Real Scopes

Laravel local query scopes are a great way to define constraints to be used when querying your Models. Sometimes, you need to apply a scope only when a given parameter is not empty and Laravel allows you to use the when() conditional clause to check that inside your scope.

On the other hand, Real Scopes apply only when none of the parameters are empty. This allows the creation of scopes that are much more easier to define and read.

class Book extends Model
     * Checking the parameters with when
    public function scopeShorterThan($query, $pages = null)
        return $query->when($pages, function ($query, $pages) {
            return $query->where('pages', '<=', $pages);

     * Using real scopes to simplify your code
    public function realScopeLongerThan($query, $pages = null)
        return $query->where('pages', '>=', $pages);